New Partner Announcement | Neptronic
Since 1987, O’Dell Associates has been a trusted supplier of humidity control equipment. Our knowledge on humidity control and vast application experience makes us the go to resource for humidification projects. We are excited to announce that effective April 11th, 2022, we will be representing Neptronic in Southern Ontario.
“With a successful history of representing Neptronic in Ottawa, we’re extremely excited to extend this partnership into the Southern Ontario humidification market. Neptronic’s commitment to quality, innovation, and customer support aligns perfectly with O’Dell’s vision and mission.” ~Nathan Martin, President
Neptronic is a leader in Canadian-made humidification equipment with a comprehensive product offering. With a vertically integrated manufacturing plant, they are positioned to be at the forefront of our industry’s innovative technological progress, while maintaining top industry lead times. Both gas and electric systems can be delivered within a month!
We look forward to continuing to bring you leading, innovative HVAC solutions and would be happy to walk you through how Neptronic can help make your next project a success! Connect with an O’Dell Associates representative today.
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