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Market Square, Conestoga College – EnVerid Air Scrubber

When Conestoga College announced they would be taking over space in the Market Square Shopping Centre in Kitchener, it was a welcome addition to the downtown core.  Smith + Anderson (S+A) was hired to provide mechanical design services for the facility.

A significant challenge in the project was addressing the change in occupant density from an office space to lecture halls.  With this change, there was a large increase in ventilation air requirement, and associated heating & cooling capacities.  The existing systems had insufficient capacity to handle the increased load.  Initially, S+A had proposed increasing the boiler & chiller plant along with significant piping modifications to handle the increased loads.  These modifications came at large cost to the owner, Europro.

Jade Logic, who provides maintenance services for Europro, recommended they consider EnVerid as an alternate solution.  S+A was very familiar with the product, having recently designed their own offices in Toronto using the technology.

At the suggestion of O’Dell, the engineer and contractor decided to use enVerid’s HLR technology in combination with the existing equipment to reduce the ventilation requirements using the indoor air quality procedure. The HLR units eliminated the need to replace the other air handling equipment, reducing the cost of the project significantly.

With enVerid’s technology, we were able to provide a 53% reduction in outside air which allowed us to maintain the indoor air quality while increasing the occupancy by more than 600%.

Not only did enVerid’s technology provide substantial indoor air quality but also provided additional energy cost savings. The annual energy costs were reduced by over $30,000 while the demand charge reduction was reduced by over $15,000 annually.

Click to see the project results estimated CO2 reduction report. 

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$31,900 demand charge reduction annually
$15,311 energy cost savings annually
$41,544 one-time utility rebate
86-ton reduction in HVAC cooling peak load
53% average reduction in outside air (IAQP using HLR vs. VRP)
Maintained indoor quality while increasing occupancy more than 600%

Project Details:

  • Client: Conestoga College
  • Contractor: Smith + Anderson
  • Engineer: Jade Logic
  • Manufacturer: enVerid


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