With codes changing, fire and smoke dampers (FSD) have become increasingly common. We have heard and experienced some recurring confusion surrounding fire and smoke dampers and want to share our learnings on important details that will allow for a smooth project delivery. For consulting engineers, there are details that can be added into the specification and for contractors, there are some things to be aware of before installing.
For Consulting Engineers – Important notes/items to specify in the fire and smoke damper specification:
- Factory installed sleeves (adding this note will save the contractor a lot of time on-site from having to fabricate their own sleeves)
- Smoke Detectors (this is the source for a lot of confusion and it is important to indicate who is responsible for providing & installing this item – installed on F/S damper from factory, mechanical contractor, controls contractor, or electrical contractor?)
- Factory installed actuator(s) (specify actuator voltage and mounting location [inside/outside of airstream])
- Fusible link rating (identify whether 165 deg. F, 212 deg. F, or 250 deg. F is required)
- Control Accessories (only spec as required – costs for these can add up!):
- Auxiliary switches (used for signaling, fan control or position indication)
- Momentary test switch (allows for local push-button testing and inspection of a damper for proper operation)

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For Installing Contractors – Important notes/things to know when ordering/installing fire and smoke dampers:
- Minimum sizes for most fire and smoke dampers are 6”x6” or 8”x8”, so some transitions may be required
- Sleeves are typically 16”-24” long depending on size of damper
- Fire and smoke dampers sleeved from the factory come built to duct size (not under-cut)
- There are multiple FSD configurations available. Coordinate with your supplier to select the best option to simplify installation. Some options include:
- Out-of-wall
- True round
- Combination FSD/modulating control
Contact us to update your fire and smoke damper specifications.